Project 2


The gameplay follows the story of how Dan the dinosaur, with of course his best friend Rick, rescue Triss the triceratops from her meateor-filled death. They do this by travelling far to where event once too place billions of years ago to open a magic time portal.

The game is a simulation meaning the player can play as both of the main protagonists, switching from being the mage and the trusted confidant.

The visuals are beautiful, exploring many different biomes, and villages in different seasons as the journey takes a year to complete.

Many obstacles are faced challenging the newly emerging kinship of Rick and Dan but also Dan’s abilities as he newly emerges from being a simple science professor to a later on all powerful mage.

The game unravels elements of comedy, action and a whole ton of adventure.

“Through The Woods”

Dan Character Bio

Rick Character Bio

Dan Call Out Sheet

Rick Call Out Sheet

Rick Call Out Sheet 2

Dan The Dino Turn Around

Rick Turn Around

Rick Outfit Experimentation

Dan Outfit Experimentation

Dan Silhouettes

Dan The Dino Character Design

Rick Silhouettes

Rick Character Design

Environmental Concept


weapon concept design

project 2 sketches

environmental mind map

Dan mind map

Weapon mind map

Rick mind map

“The time portal”

Mage staff 3D model